Sunday 28 July 2013

We are connected when we are apart, but we are disconnected when we are together

Globalization refers to ‘expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and world-space’ Chen (cited in steger 2009, p15) the new media enable users learn international events through internet access, and incorporate with different cultures through media and communication technologies. These characteristics have indicted associations between globalization and communication. Interpersonal communication as one important aspect of social relations has changed due to the development of media and communication.
The interview with my grandmother was a discussion about how does the information flows of globalisation change her lives.  The discussion was based on the perspective of communication. ‘Now with all of the technologies it has created complex forms of interaction between people’ she said. Most of her family members are starting communicate outside of traditional spaces such as homes. It was good at the beginning because when they are busy working or studying in another city, the mass-mediated communication allowing them to break away from the constraints of physical distance. But these relationships are fundamentally changed due to the globalization of mass-mediated communication. Every family member is busy with their mobile devices during family gatherings or even at dinner tables. We could not have a proper conversation anymore. The information flow of mass media has leaded my family members to be distracted or psychologically separated from those with whom they are physically present.  We are connected when we are apart, but we are disconnected when we are together.
Chen, 2012, ‘The impact of new media on intercultural communication in global context’ China media research vol.8. issue.2, p1-10, communication mass media complete


  1. Ella, I love how you used the example of technology at family gatherings! So true; and sadly ironic that the communication devices that are, in theory, meant to bring us together, now tend to obstruct rather than enable our relationships!

  2. Ella, great blog to start off with. I love the example of every family member so profoundly busy with their mobile devices during family gatherings. It brings me to realise how I personally interact with my siblings and how you wish you appreciated those moments together now that I am out of home or even when travelling on public transport I look around and at least every 2nd person is holding a mobile phone or a digital device to keep time from slowing down. & that's totally understandable with the world we now live in with schedules and timeframes, etc. But your grandma highlights an issue that majority overlook and that is TIME. I know many, mainly women, believe to be amazing multitaskers but this a myth. They're not doing anything good just a lot of stuff mediocre. Too many people are busy tweeting about the moment with some clever hastag. Majority take advantage of what is meant to be appreciated in the present.
