Wednesday 4 September 2013

Globalization, work place blogging and employee cynicism

While companies often consider blogs as an inbound marketing concept, individuals consider blogging as a branding concept through which they tell their tales and spread gossip. However, to scholars blogs are one of the best examples that market the age of presumption. Just like the other social media, the civil society or the third sector of the society is relying on blogs as source of information, as the prosumers tend to relay news better than the mainstream media. Citizen journalism is demonstrated by blogs because of their cost effectiveness both to the audiences and to the journalist (Bryne, &, Hochwarter, 2008, pp. 54–72).

In the corporate environment, employee cynicism and whistle blowing have also benefited from blogging. However, globalization seems to the driver of work blogging because as the world shrinks into a digital village, employee awareness is the new norm as they are more aware of their rights at the workplace. Many employees are now sharing their experience in the globalized world. Employee cynicism has two implications: power and control to the employee as they no longer have to die slowly at work because of injustices.
Richards, &, Kosmala, (2013) posits that gone is the age of oppressive organizational cultures and regimes with the coming of blogs and social media.

 Thorough employee cynicism is considered more of Americanization especially with the increasing case of employee demonstration and negative blogging like in the case of Wal-Mart, and MacDonald. Employee cynicism is now a worldwide phenomenon because even the employees of multinational companies are increasingly becoming more outspoken about their company’s practices, and culture such that no organization in the UK, and a number developing economies can now force their employee to work against their will especially if they know something’s wrong.

While employee cynicism is increasingly considered in the negative light, it is quite clear that most organizations have conformed and many changes have been realised as a result of employee activism thanks to blogs. Many employees are whistle blowing and many organizations are increasingly becoming more careful of malpractices (Andersson, 1996, pp. 1395–1418). According to Bryne, &, Hochwarter (2008, pp. 54–72), workplace blogging is one of the best forums where employees can express their opinions to the management without fear of victimization. Employee can nowadays reject corporate culture initiatives through their workplace blogging. Employee cynicism may be impedance to organizational change because organizational culture initiatives are intended to colonize the employee identity. However, cynicism tends to thwart such culture change initiatives. The problem with such thinking is that it is myopic to consider employee cynicism as tactic of transgression.

Employee blogging is useless if cynicism is not allowed. Blogging is one of the most effective way by which employee overcomes corporate hegemony and identity colonization. Perhaps, organizations should accept workplace blogging and employee cynicism just as they have accepted change in the current global scape. Blogging is not only a media scape, but also a tool that can be wielded to realize individual and organizational aims. 

Andersson, L. (1996), ‘Employee Cynicism: An Examination Using a Contract Violation     Framework’, Human Relations 49, 11, 1395–1418.
Bryne, Z, &, W. Hochwarter (2008), ‘Perceived Organizational Support and Performance:        Relationships across Levels of Organizational Cynicism’, Journal of Managerial    Psychology 23, 1, 54–72.
James Richards and Katarzyna Kosmala, (2013). ‘In the end, you can only slag people off    for so long’: employee cynicism through work blogging. New Technology, Work and       Employment 28:1


  1. Hi Ella, this was a really informative post. You have structured and supported your argument well. I agree that blogging has had a positive effect on workplaces as it allows employees a noticeable platform to talk about workplaces that have behaved badly.
    However, I think you could have strengthened your argument by supplying examples of this. Along with examples of cases where employees have become whistle blowers and have uncovered malpractices within organisations. This would have given your post a little more punch. However, you have supported all your arguments really well with the references you used. An informative read.

  2. Hi Ella,

    Your viewpoint that employee cynicism in blogging is a positive thing that workplaces should come to accept was a very interesting one. The way you structured your post and the information you provided has a positive effect on the reader, as it instructs the audience to formulate their own opinion.

    Perhaps to further this response in another blog, you could also look at the downfalls of Employee cynicism, and perhaps the culture it may create in a workplace. Also, as mentioned above, some examples of cases where employees have voiced injustices in the workplace via blogging would have been a great addition to your piece.



  3. This posts was very informative and very well structured, and your content showed a wide range of research and a great understanding of both the subject content and this week's topic. I thought you made some great points with this information in regards to how and why this type of blogging has come about, however I feel like you skimmed over a lot of information rather than focusing on certain aspects with some potentially personal or relatable examples. If you were to include a couple of points that were more personal to you, it would at a great touch to your already very well developed post that has a lot of strength. All in all though, great work.

  4. Hi Ella,
    You have clearly demonstrated the positives on employee blogging in a well structured blog post. Your arguments on this perspective are strong and well presented. I feel your post would have benefitted by including the downfalls to employee blogging and also by providing examples.
    Your post clearly displays the developments of technology and how that is being used in a positive light in the workplace. An interesting read!

  5. Hi Ella,

    I learnt a lot from your blog post. I also believe that the Employee blogging is a positive aspect to a workplace. It creates a sense of community, that helps to increase office morale.

    Your use of quotes is great. Each one strengthens your argument and increases the readers understanding.

    All in all, a great, informative post that covers all the bases of employee blogging.


  6. Hi Ella,
    You've raised some interesting points here, such as highlighting the move from oppressiveness for employees thanks to social media. You've referenced your ideas well and incorporated your own view point to demonstrate understanding. However, I think this post would benefit from perhaps focusing on one main idea. It seems to bounce around a little from cynicism to Americanization and for a small blog post perhaps is a little content heavy. Breaking up the text with some related images would also enhance it further, as would links to related outside resources. In saying that, I think there would be potential for you to expand this for you third assignment.
